Session Schedule and Links

Week Schedule: 04-07 November 2024

Notable Highlights: The schedule is as below.

Zoom Links (Will become active each day during the sessions)

Above is the list of meetings for each night of the week. Before the session starts, use the Zoom link below to join the joint meeting. Once the meeting date has passed, you may click on the updated links to access the recorded meeting. Certain meetings are separated by military branch due to the number of participating programs but will use the same initial Zoom link.

Meeting ID: 845 1071 9882

Passcode: 809061

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,84510719882#,,,,*809061# US (Washington DC)

+17866351003,,84510719882#,,,,*809061# US (Miami)

Important Meeting Details:

  1. There will be a student moderator helping run each meeting by facilitating discussion and questions. They will plan to start the meeting promptly at the top of the hour.

  2. If while trying to join a meeting, you receive a message saying something to the effect of the “host has another meeting running,” this means the moderator has not yet started the meeting and you will just need to retry in a couple minutes.

  3. Should there be technical issues where a zoom link is not functional, we will be making every effort to post updates on the HPSP/USUHS Facebook pages.

  4. Dress code for in-person specialty nights in the past was branch specific service uniform. We are not requiring any specific dress code, but program representative will likely be in branch specific working uniforms.

Help us to improve Military Medical Specialty Night for Future Years to come! Leave Feedback HERE!

Please direct any further questions to: